General maps of Kyrgyzstan - Kyrgyz Alpine Club

There is one thing that's better than mountains. It's mountains that we haven't climbed

General maps of Kyrgyzstan


In the Kyrgyz Republic, there is no substantial tourist information center operated by the government, and handy maps for visitors are mostly offered at travel agencies specialized in organized tours or at some hostels. In general, it can be difficult to find, purchase, or print out actual maps in the country itself, so it is recommended to prepare them beforehand where possible.

Kyrgyz Alpine Club original map

Commercial maps of Kyrgyzstan

Kyrgyzstan/ Кыргызстан 1: 750,000 [Bishkek/ Бишкек 1: 30,000] (Gizi Map Hungary, 2014)

One of the most extensive non-Cyrillic maps of Kyrgyzstan currently available for general purposes, particularly for understanding the distribution of mountain ranges and the network of roads.

Map stores and relevant facilities in Kyrgyzstan

Some companies and organizations that handle maps are as follows. Note however that the stock of copies tend to be limited and may run out at any time:

  • Госкартография/ Goskartografiya: A governmental cartographic agency of the Kyrgyz Republic, where variety of specialized maps in data or print are technically available for purchase. Visit the section in charge (room 301) and ask for advices to request a particular map of interest (in Russian or Kyrgyz).

    There used to be a map store called “GeoID” at the entrance of the same building, but it went out of business in 2016.

  • Ralitet: Tourist maps,Kyrgyzstan 1: 750,000、Kyrgyzstan Trekking Map
  • Realcom: Specialized map data for GPS devices (mainly Garmin),Kyrgyzstan Trekking Map
  • Regional branches of CBT (Community Based Tourism Kyrgyzstan) [Tourism agency]: Local tourist maps、Kyrgyzstan Trekking Map
  • Союз Пешеходного Туризма Кыргызстана | Trekking Union of Kyrgyzstan (TUK): Kyrgyzstan Trekking Map

Link for maps of Kyrgyzstan

Variety of map images relevant to Kyrgyzstan is available for download at following external sites:

University of Texas Libraries, Perry-Castañeda Library Map Collection: List of a wide range of maps and links, including aviation maps