Orographic maps of Kygyzstan

Languages: 日本語
Nov. 17, 2017 updated

The Orographic map represents detailed depiction of topographic reliefs or, especially in mountaineering, rather conceptual sketch that illustrates the relative disposition of mountain ridges and valleys, effectively used to describe the scene of the field adorned with some symbols to indicate prominent landmarks and routes. In orographic maps prepared by Kyrgyz Alpine Club based on research through a wide range of sources including documents of Soviet era, climbed peaks (▲) are distinguished from those with no record of acsent (△), and may be used for plotting a virgin peak expedition in Kyrgyzstan.

Orographic map sample

The English version will be provided soon

Central Tianshan

Köölü (Kuylyu) range

コーリュ山脈山岳図 Map around Köölü range

Inland Tianshan

Southern Interior

At-bashy range

アトバシュ山脈山岳図(下書き) Map around At-bashy range


Zaalay range

Eastern Zaalay range
Central Zaalay ange
Western Zaalay range
ザアライ山脈西部山岳図 Map around Zaalay range