This report documents the 2018 mountaineering expedition to the Kuiluu range, part of the TienShan in South Eastern Kyrgyzstan. The aim was to explore the mountaineering potential of thislittle visited part of the Kuiluu range and to make a first ascent of a previously unclimbed mountain.
Category: Reports
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Skaska the wonder world

Skaska valley is, as the corresponding Russian term (скаска) meaning "fairy tale" suggests, surrounded by wonderfully formulated castles reinforced with labyrinth of walls extending beyond the scenery with Lake Issyk-kol in the background, being an ideal place for wandering.
Orographic maps of Kygyzstan

The Orographic map represents detailed depiction of topographic reliefs or, especially in mountaineering, rather conceptual sketch that illustrates the relative disposition of mountain ridges and valleys, effectively used to describe the scene of the field adorned with some symbols to indicate prominent landmarks and routes. In orographic maps prepared by Kyrgyz Alpine Club based on research through a wide range of sources including documents of Soviet era, climbed peaks (▲) are distinguished from those with no record of acsent (△), and may be used for plotting a virgin peak expedition in Kyrgyzstan.
Guidebook: Mountaineering regions of Kyrgyzstan

Author: Vladimir Komissarov, Ph.D., President of Kyrgyz Alpine Club CONTENT Introduction 1. Geographic description of Tien-Shan and Pamir 2. Mountaineering regions of Kyrgyzstan А. Tien-Shan B. Pamir Alpine regions of Kyrgyzstan (detailed content) А. Tien-Shan 1. Central Tien-Shan 1) Glaciers: Southern and Northern Inylchek 2) Kaindy Glacier 3) Glaciers: Semenov and Mushketov 2. Terskei Ala-Too▶︎
West Kokshal-Too Expedition 2006

West Kokshal-Too Expedition 2006 Written by Pat Littlejohn MEMBERS: Pat Littlejohn, Adrian Nelhams, Vladimir Komissarov (guides), Ulrik Andersen, Ben Box, James Bruton, Joanne da Silva, Greg Paul, Todd Siemers, Nick Wheatley. At the start of September we made the now familiar trip via Naryn to the Kokshal range and established base camp at the delightful▶︎
Kyrgyzstan Mountaineering Expedition September – October 2006
Kyrgyzstan Mountaineering Expedition September – October 2006 Written by Mark Weeding Mark Weeding and Dave Molesworth traveled to Kyrgyzstan in September for a month’s climbing. Generally this is considered too late for reliable weather for alpine routes but in fact we enjoyed Scottish spring weather of sun and snow making for an excellent trip in▶︎
Fergana Range Aug 2015

The Fergana range is a long chain of mountains forming part of the Tien Shan range in Kyrgyzstan. It is 206 miles in length with an average height of 3800m. The south eastern end of the range contains the highest peaks and is heavily glaciated below the main watershed. The snow peaks in this area▶︎
The Little Poobah, Western Kokshal-Too 2014
Pamir Alai 2013

Pamir Alai 2013 - report for American Alpine Journal
Ak-Shirak on Ski Expedition 2007

Ak-Shirak on Ski Expedition 2007 Written by Dave Wynne-Jones Scent of lilac drifts about the overgrown parks and leafy streets of Bishkek, while above the marble facades and golden cupolas of Ala Too square shimmer jagged snow peaks of the Kyrgyz range like an unexpected cloud mirage. A day’s travel later, apple blossom is▶︎